When an AT employee causes loss, damage, injury or death to a third party whilst working in the employment role and provided the employee
has followed proper working procedures and protocols and has not been grossly negligent in carrying out their duties of employment, then
the employer is legally responsible for the actions of the employee. In the unlikely event one was to be involved in a workplace matter
which as part of one's duties attracted the potential for litigation the employer has this indemnity in place to provide protection to
individual employees having external litigation brought against them.
APA TAS also provides Professional Indemnity Insurance to financial Paramedic up to $20,000,000. Members are provided with a Certificate
of Currency when they join, and the policy refreshes each year. It is part of the National Regulation of Paramedics with AHPRA that they
have appropriate Professional Indemnity Cover.
Legal assistance can be provided to members of APA TAS for employment and paramedic registration related matters. Allegations relating to
criminal conduct, sexual harassment and other serious conduct may not be covered under the APA TAS Rules and By-Laws and as such each
case will need to be reviewed on a case by case basis by the APA TAS Executive Committee in respect to this coverage. We understand each
case is unique.
Legal assistance and advice can be provided to fee paying members of APA TAS in relation to an incident or allegation that arises in the
course of their employment.
In the first instance you need to contact APA TAS via the website member enquiry area (or by phone if urgent) and be prepared to advise the
following information:
i. The nature of the enquiry, implication or allegation.
ii. The date of the alleged incident.
iii. The location of the alleged incident.
iv. Any other material fact relating to the alleged incident.
Initial and ongoing approval for the provision of legal assistance is at the discretion of the APA TAS Executive Committee. Once a matter is
referred to the legal team, members will receive legal representation. This may include but is not limited to having a lawyer attend an
interview with Ambulance Tasmania, allocated investigators, the police or attendance in court.
If a lawyer's attendance is required it will be determined by the legal team in consultation with the APA TAS Executive Committee.